Azure Event Grid Messaging
This scenario demonstrates how to handle messages from Azure Event Grid.
Refer to Quickstart: Publish and subscribe to MQTT messages on Event Grid Namespace with Azure portal to create an Event Grid Namespace and a topic.
Azure-Samples/MqttApplicationSamples provides a sample application to publish and subscribe messages to the Event Grid.
Create CA certificate and key
step ca init \
--deployment-type standalone \
--name MqttAppSamplesCA \
--dns localhost \
--address \
--provisioner MqttAppSamplesCAProvisioner
Create client certificate and key
mkdir -p $CLIENT_DIR
# Create client certificate and key
step certificate create $CLIENT_NAME $CLIENT_DIR/$CLIENT_NAME.pem $CLIENT_DIR/$CLIENT_NAME.key \
--ca ~/.step/certs/intermediate_ca.crt \
--ca-key ~/.step/secrets/intermediate_ca_key \
--no-password \
--insecure \
--not-after 2400h
# Display certificate fingerprint to register the client on Azure Event Grid Namespace
step certificate fingerprint $CLIENT_DIR/$CLIENT_NAME.pem
Create mosquitto configuration
# Set up mosquitto
cat ~/.step/certs/root_ca.crt ~/.step/certs/intermediate_ca.crt > $MOSQUITTO_DIR/chain.pem
step certificate create localhost $MOSQUITTO_DIR/localhost.crt $MOSQUITTO_DIR/localhost.key \
--ca ~/.step/certs/intermediate_ca.crt \
--ca-key ~/.step/secrets/intermediate_ca_key \
--no-password \
--insecure \
--not-after 2400h
# Run mosquitto
make mosquitto
# If you use localhost, run mosquitto first
make mosquitto
# Set the host name of the Event Grid Namespace. If you use localhost, set it to localhost.
# Subscribe the topic
poetry run python scripts/ subscribe \
--topic "sample/topic1" \
--client-name client1 \
--host-name $HOST_NAME \
# Publish messages to the topic
poetry run python scripts/ publish \
--topic "sample/topic1" \
--payload "helloworld" \
--client-name client2 \
--host-name $HOST_NAME \
Use namespace topics to route MQTT messages to Azure Event Hubs
To set up resources for this scenario, refer to Tutorial: Use namespace topics to route MQTT messages to Azure Event Hubs (Azure portal).
After deploying the scenario, do the following steps:
- Create a namespace topic on the Event Grid Namespace.
- Give Event Grid namespace the access to send events to the event hub
- Create an event subscription with Event Hubs as the endpoint
- Configure routing in the Event Grid namespace
Send MQTT messages to the topic and check the messages in the Event Hub, as described in View routed MQTT messages in Event Hubs by using a Stream Analytics query